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  • Registrant : 能美市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/22
  • Published : 2023/09/22
  • Changed :2023/09/22
  • Total View : 380 persons
2023/9/30 - 2023/11/26 / 能美市 / Other

Nomi City Digital Stamp Rally

Collect digital stamps from 29 spots in the city, including Kutani ware objet d'art post boxes and stations on the former Hokuriku Railway Nomi Line ( and Mimiden ), and flyers ・ posters ・ on the official Nomi City LINE account to enter a drawing for great prizes ☆.

Collect digital stamps from 29 spots in the city, including Kutani ware objet d'art post boxes and stations of the former Hokuriku Railway Nomi Line ( and Mimiden ), as well as flyers ・ and posters ・ on the official Nomi City LINE account, and enter a drawing to win gorgeous prizes ☆

! 3D AR presentation of the city's official characters Hiponohon, Yuzumi-no-Min and Poponohon, and Nomiden will pop out of the screen !.

Address 能美市
Date 2023/9/30 - 2023/11/26
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